Impact of Socio- Economics Status on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students

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Babita Sahu
Benudhar Pradhan


The present study focuses on the impact of socio-economic status on academic
achievement of secondary school students. The data were collected from sixty students
of class IX from three schools of Rourkela city by using socio-economic status scale
constructed and standardized by professor Ashok .K. Kalia and Mr.Sudher Sahu . The
data were analysed and interpreted by using the statistical technique of product moment
coefficient of correlation by Karl Pearson method .The result shows that there is a
positive correlation between academic achievement and socio-economic status.

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How to Cite
Sahu, B., & Pradhan, B. (2021). Impact of Socio- Economics Status on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students. Mind and Society, 10(01-02), 58–62. Retrieved from
Research Article