Academic Pperfornance in Relation to Gender and Morningness Eveningness Preference

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Khelchand Bhagat
B Hasan


The academic performance of the students is influenced by many factors. The present study conducted to see the effect of gender and morningness-eveningness
preference upon academic performance. The samples consisted of 66 male and 66 female of first year college student were selected. To measure the academic performance of the student’s the overall marks of class 12th were used and to assess the morningnes-eveningness Preference of the subject’s Hindi adaptation of Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (Horne and Ostberg, 1976) was used.
ANOVA results indicated that gender and Morningness-Eveningess preference
generated significant variance upon academic performance and no interactional
effect of the two factors was found to be significant.

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How to Cite
Bhagat, K., & Hasan, B. (2020). Academic Pperfornance in Relation to Gender and Morningness Eveningness Preference. Mind and Society, 3(01-02), 36–39. Retrieved from
Research Article