The The Effect of Sahaja Yoga Meditation on Self-Esteem, Resilience and mental well-being among Young Adults
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In the present times, it is hard to take care of oneself but certainly, individuals can take responsibility to pay attention to manage their stress through meditation. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a traditional system of meditation that results in ‘thoughtless awareness’ and peace of mind. A total sample of ninety one young adults of both Sahaja Yoga meditators and non-meditators was taken from various urban parts of India. The study assessed the effect of Sahaja Yoga Meditation on self-esteem, resilience, and mental well-being among the groups, using Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Brief Resilience Scale, and The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) . Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the study indicate a significant difference between the two groups regarding self-esteem, resilience, and mental well-being. Gender differences were only found to be significant in relation to self-esteem among the non-meditator group. The results shall be discussed in detail.
Key Terms- Sahaja Yoga Meditation, self-esteem, resilience, mental well-being, young adults, Indian.
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