Self-awakening Approach to achieve Sustainable Education in Neo-Normal Situation based on Postulates of Rabindrik Psychotherapy
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The aim of education is to equip or empower the learners so that they can implement their knowledge in real life situations even beyond the classroom and curriculum. Sustainable education has been impaired due to the devastating effect of the prolonged pandemic. Education for sustainable development (ESD) is defined as education that encourages changes in knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to enable a more sustainable society for all. A “sustainable society” is one in which we do not damage the environment or overuse resources, and are therefore able to leave a beautiful, peaceful, and bountiful earth that future generations can continue to inhabit. Sustainable society can be created by sustainable education.
Sustainable education occurs when the learning concepts can be manipulated for coping, adapting and transforming the society to be more sustainable. During the prolonged pandemic the most challenging issue faced was how to make teaching sustainable as learners suffer from real time support from the teachers. To make the lesson sustainable, the lesson should be associated with flows of imagination. Flows occur at each and across layers of consciousness -’Murta’ ( the seat of attention and perception), ‘Raag’ ( the seat of feeling and emotion, and its association with other faculties) and ‘Saraswat’ ( the seat of harmony). Flows facilitate the self-awakening approach leading to a sustainable society. Self-awakening approach refers to learning from within the self. This approach inhibits rote learning or surface level learning. Here, the teacher acts as a facilitator to make the learners independent in constructing their own knowledge and interpretation. Self-awakening approach facilitates learners to modify, apply and innovate the learnt lessons.This study proposes the self-awakening approach for sustainable education in neo normal situations following the principles of Rabindrik Psychotherapy. The Present paper aims to focus on the following points (a) importance of sustainable development in Neo normal situation, (b) topographical structure of consciousness,(c) flow theories and (d) teaching pedagogy of Self-Awakening approach to education in Neo normal situation.
Key words: sustainable education, neo normal situation, self-awakening approach, topographical structure of consciousness, flow theories.
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