Anthropological Study of Traditional Medicine and Health of Bhatra Tribe
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Traditional system of medicine is such a method of medicine acquired by human knowledge that has been going on for many generations. With its use, man has been able to cure many types of incurable diseases. The life of the tribals has been mainly dependent on the forests. From the very beginning man has been dependent on nature for his food, shelter and medicine. At present, despite the difference in the medical system, the basic aim of medical systems is to wish for the health and well-being of human beings. In society, a healthy person wishes for good health, and yearns for freedom from disease. The system of medicine is still alive and active in tribal settlement and it is still used on a large scale today. The aim of the present research is to find out the traditional medical system and their level of health in the Bhatra tribe. In the present research, primary facts have been collected through interview and group discussion and observation by selecting 81 Bhatra families through divine guidance method in Bastar district to collect the facts. It is clear from the above analysis that in spite of health facilities, tribal people still go to Sirha Gunia first when they get sick, after that they get their treatment to the doctor, due to which sometimes they have to face serious problems.