Genesis of Consumer Protection : An Introduction

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Raghwesh Pandey


With the development of humankind from stone stage to the present day social welfare stage, the relationship between the suppliers of goods and services and the consumers has undergone radical change. The present day market system is most complex which is not only confined to the national level but has assumed international character. The Consumer Protection Act was passed in 1986 to ‘ensure better protection to the interests of the consumers and for this purpose, to make provisions for the establishment of consumer
councils and other authorities for the settlement of consumer disputes and for matters
connected therewith’. It also sought, inter alia, ‘to promote and protect various rights of
consumers such as - right to safety – to be protected against goods which are hazardous to
life and property, right to information - about the quality, quantity, purity, price and standards of goods, right to choose (freedom of choice) - to be assured access to a variety of
products at competitive prices, without any pressure to impose a sale, right to be heard
and assured - that consumer interests will receive due consideration at appropriate forums, right to seek redressal – against unfair trade practice or exploitation and right to
education – about rights of a consumer

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How to Cite
Pandey, R. (2018). Genesis of Consumer Protection : An Introduction. Mind and Society, 7(03-04), 25–29. Retrieved from
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