Impact of Stress on Academic Achievement of Higher Secondary School Students

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Navneet Kaur Narad
Shivani Diwan


Psychological disorders significantly exacerbate the pressure on students to score better. The factors collectively hamper rheir performance leadng to low academic achievement. This study aimed to find out the relatinship between stress and academic achievement. For this purpose 500 (250 boys and 250 girls) students of 12th standard studying in urban area of Durg district of Chhattisgarh state taken randomly. The ADSS (anxiety, depression and sress scale) was used to measure the sress among students. To analyse data t-test is used. Furthermore stress and academic achievement was found to be significant positive association with each other

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How to Cite
Narad, N. K., & Diwan, S. (2018). Impact of Stress on Academic Achievement of Higher Secondary School Students. Mind and Society, 7(03-04), 36–39. Retrieved from
Research Article

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