Challenges before Anti Dumping policy in Post Globalised Market

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Priya Vijay


Anti dumping policy should be seen in the changed market reality. The treatment that is given to anti dumping actions of member states at WTO is shaped by many
political and economic realities. The enforcement of WTO anti dumping regime faces
several challenges and is influenced by several factors. The report of the committee on
anti dumping constituted under WTO has the power to review anti dumping actions
taken by members but it was found that many a times the members do not fulfil their
obligation under the agreement to notify the measures taken by them and further the
committee hardly has any tooth to take action against such members .Therefore there is
a strong case for reform of the enforcement mechanism entrusted with duty of implementation of anti dumping under WTO.

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How to Cite
Vijay, P. (2016). Challenges before Anti Dumping policy in Post Globalised Market. Mind and Society, 5(01), 14–20. Retrieved from
Research Article

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