Human Resource Development in the Context of India

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B S Chauhan
Vinay Kumar Singh


Human resource is the most important and vital factor of economic development of a country. Development economics in recent years have become more people
centric than before. It has rediscovered that human beings are both the means and the
end of economic development process, and without Human Development that process
becomes hollow rhetoric. The Human Development Report, 2013 notes that over the
last decade, countries world over accelerated their achievements in the education, health
and income dimensions as measured in the HDI- to the extent that no country for which
data was available had a lower HDI value in 2012 than in 2000. Over the past two
decades, India has witnessed huge improvement in its HDI score from 0‘410 in 1990 to
0‘554 in 2012.But India is still counted among the countries having some of the lowest
indicators of human development. This paper tries to analyze the Human Resource Development in India on the basis of some selected economic and social indicators and at
the same time strives to find out the causes of poor performance of India in the sphere
of HRD. The paper concludes with a handful policy suggestions for improvement of
HRD in India.

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How to Cite
Chauhan, B. S., & Singh, V. K. (2016). Human Resource Development in the Context of India. Mind and Society, 5(01), 21–27. Retrieved from
Research Article

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