Bastaria Tonda, Manda, Kunda: Unity in Diversity in Life
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Bastar is known for the tribal community in the country and abroad, the major tribals here are Madiya, Muria and Halba. This tribal resides in Bastar since ancient times, in fact the original inhabitants of this place are only tribals. But with the passage of time, the tribal lifestyle and natural beauty of Bastar attracted people of different castes from time to time. As a result of which many castes started settling here. The tribals of Bastar accepted all the outside castes who came here with great ease from the beginning, not only that, they also helped the outsiders to settle in their best forest land and themselves entered the inner forest area. The tribals of Bastar gave respect to all the castes that came from outside and expected respect for the tribal culture, due to which the situation of Bastar was created in such a way that cultural harmony developed between tribal and non-tribal castes and despite their diversity, there was unity among them. gets to see.