Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in Chhattisgarh
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Climate change will have wide-ranging effects on the ecology, biodiversity and environment, and on socio-economic and related sectors like water resources, agriculture
and food security, human health. India has undergone a series of ups and downs in
agricultural production with the climatic conditions playing havoc in the years of abnormality. Currently, agro ecosystems are facing the problems of overexploitation of
natural resources, decline in soil fertility, ground water level and agricultural productivity. One of the potential threats to agriculture is the impact of climate change in
attaining sustainable development of agriculture coupled with food security. Climate
change phenomenon is now a global reality. Chhattisgarh too faces the threat of climate change and its impacts. Available facts show that there is high chance of increase
in the incidence and intensity of climate related natural hazards due to climate change
and hence increase in probable threat due to climate change related natural disasters.
In the (relative) absence of state level climate models and/or susceptibility studies, as
well low community awareness, Chhattisgarh is potentially highly sensitive and exposed to climate change and its impacts. Agricultural productivity is nearly half the
national average, mostly rain-fed and irrigation covers just 31 percent of the sown
area. . In our paper we have tried to analyze the effects of climate change on Agriculture in Chhattisgarh
and food security, human health. India has undergone a series of ups and downs in
agricultural production with the climatic conditions playing havoc in the years of abnormality. Currently, agro ecosystems are facing the problems of overexploitation of
natural resources, decline in soil fertility, ground water level and agricultural productivity. One of the potential threats to agriculture is the impact of climate change in
attaining sustainable development of agriculture coupled with food security. Climate
change phenomenon is now a global reality. Chhattisgarh too faces the threat of climate change and its impacts. Available facts show that there is high chance of increase
in the incidence and intensity of climate related natural hazards due to climate change
and hence increase in probable threat due to climate change related natural disasters.
In the (relative) absence of state level climate models and/or susceptibility studies, as
well low community awareness, Chhattisgarh is potentially highly sensitive and exposed to climate change and its impacts. Agricultural productivity is nearly half the
national average, mostly rain-fed and irrigation covers just 31 percent of the sown
area. . In our paper we have tried to analyze the effects of climate change on Agriculture in Chhattisgarh
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How to Cite
Shrivastava, S., & Shrivastava, O. L. (2019). Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in Chhattisgarh. Mind and Society, 8(03-04), 20–27.
Research Article