Women's Participation in Agricultural Development And Empowerment

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Pravinyalata Markandey


In our country, 70 percent of the population still lives in rural areas. Most of these are dependent on agriculture.
Rural women help with household chores and children, as well as in farm work. As a result of women's direct
contribution and faculty participation, India has become an important producer country in terms of many types
of fruits, vegetables and cereals. The best expression of the concern of the country regarding the protection of
rights and privileges of women is in the Constitution of India. Article 14 of the Constitution provides equal
rights and equal opportunities to all men and women in the political, economic and social spheres; Section
15(3) gives the right to the state to make positive discrimination in favor of women. Another empowerment
effort is the Swashakti project, which aims at empowering women through amalgamated activities of
empowerment and development. It has changed their lives by raising the awareness level, bringing literacy,
providing information about health, nutrition, legal rights, agriculture related and farm level enterprise and
facilitating credit.

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How to Cite
Markandey, P. (2019). Women’s Participation in Agricultural Development And Empowerment. Mind and Society, 8(03-04), 45–49. https://doi.org/10.56011/mind-mri-83-4-20197
Research Article