Role of Women In Gandhiji's Swadeshi Movement

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Kamti Singh Pariha


The rich heritage of charkha, handloom, and khadi has contributed a lot to the distinctive culture and economic image of India. During independence the charkha acquired a special place and became involved in the daily activities of the common man located in any corner of the country. With the efforts of Gandhiji and various workers, Charkha and Khadi reached every doorstep of the village. Especially women started doing the work of spinning yarn with the charkha. Their income increased and they became self-supporting. Khadi program was a major program in indigenous programs.  Which was associated with the non-cooperation movement, a large number of women took part in it and got directly involved with the Indian national movement. Gandhiji was a strong supporter of the inclusion of women in the Khadi movement, Gandhiji believed that women should have a special understanding about the spread of Khadi. He insisted that women were indigenous Take a vow that she will give up foreign clothes and spend her time spinning yarn on a spinning wheel and wearing Khadi. Gandhiji believed that this would be his moral and religious responsibility. Different types of people live in India and weaving yarn together, making thread will bring uniformity in Indian families

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How to Cite
Pariha, K. S. (2017). Role of Women In Gandhiji’s Swadeshi Movement. Mind and Society, 6(01-02), 50–52. Retrieved from
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