Modern Sanskrit Drama

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Suman Singh Baghel


It would not be an exaggeration if the ancient period of Sanskrit dramas is called the golden period of drama, because they have been remembered not only in India but also in the western world. The process of drama writing continued in the medieval period and even today the process is going on continuously. At present, critics have distinguished Sanskrit poems, plays, stories, etc., written in Sanskrit, as modern or ancient Sanskrit literature.  Keeping in view the views of learned sages and the expediency of the times, it seems to me that it would not be unreasonable to include Sanskrit metaphors written from the nineteenth century to the modern period. Keeping this in mind, the metaphors of the nineteenth are being rendered here under the title Modern Metaphors.  Appashastri Rashivadekar in his metaphor Adharma Vipaka has tried to draw towards the state of dharma at that time. It is an attempt to save religion from destruction. In this symbolic play, there are symbolic characters like Kali, Adharma, Shraddha, Bhakti etc.

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How to Cite
Baghel, S. S. (2018). Modern Sanskrit Drama. Mind and Society, 7(03-04), 79–81. Retrieved from
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