Role of Women in Development of Indian Agriculture

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Banso Nuruti


Women have an important role and cooperation in the development of any society and country and even an individual.
The origin of a person is also impossible without a woman; the first school of co-operation and co-existence is the family.
Women are the backbone of the family, which rests on economic development. Therefore, until the active support of women
is not received, the success of economic development will remain a dream. With the active cooperation of women in economic
development, not only the society and the country will develop but also the women's society. Along with all round upliftment,
strength, speed and direction can also be given to economic development. Archival method has been used in the present research.
In the archival source, the texts of Pt. Sunderlal Sharma's library, various periodicals have been used.

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How to Cite
Nuruti, B. (2017). Role of Women in Development of Indian Agriculture. Mind and Society, 6(01-02), 41–44. Retrieved from
Research Article