Impact of Rajiv Gandhi Catchment Area Management Mission on Ground Water Level
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The problem of water is a major problem in human life, to solve this problem; efforts have been made by the state and central government to improve water availability and water level by implementing Rajiv Gandhi Catchment Area Management Mission. In Dewas district also, what has changed in the water availability and water level situation before and after the operation of this scheme, the evaluation has been done by comparing the situation before and after the mission. Efforts were also made to know that with the increase in water level, what has been the effect of this scheme on land erosion and forest management. The research is completely based on secondary data. Due to the Rajiv Gandhi Catchment Area Management Mission, the ground water level of the area shows an increase of about 3 meters. With the increase in the ground water level, the water level of the well and pond has increased. Water is easily available for irrigation in agriculture.