Effect of Gender, Family Type, Caste - Category and Socio-Economic Status on Psychological Well-Being of Rural Population

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Rahul Tomer
Bhagat Singh


Psychological Well-Being (PWB), a multidimensional concept can be affected by various aspects of life. In this study researchers had tried to find out the effect of gender, family type, caste -category and socio-economic status (SES) on psychological well-being of rural population. For this study, 1216 participants were randomly selected. Psychological Well-Being scale constructed by Sisodia and Choudhary (2012) was used to collect data. Critical Ratio and one way ANOVA was computed. Results showed that Gender and Caste significantly affect the psychological well-being while Family type and Socio-Economic Status (SES) did not significantly affect the PWB among the rural population. It can be concluded that female subjects have significantly higher PWB to that of male subjects. Scheduled caste category subjects have significantly higher PWB than that of general category subjects. Middle SES subjects also have significantly higher PWB than the high SES subjects. These findings are discussed to understand the causes of low PWB among male, general caste-category subjects and upper SES subjects so that steps can be taken to enhance the PWB among these groups.

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How to Cite
Tomer, R., & Singh, B. . (2021). Effect of Gender, Family Type, Caste - Category and Socio-Economic Status on Psychological Well-Being of Rural Population. Mind and Society, 10(03-04), 98–104. https://doi.org/10.56011/mind-mri-103-420221
Research Article