Barriers in Agriculture as Main Occupation for Primitive Tribes of Chhattisgarh

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Mahesh Shrivastava


The Tribal Development has always been a challenge for the administrators as well as intellectuals in India and the need for Tribal Development hardly needs any justification. Their Primitive ways of life, Economic and Social backwardness, low level of literacy, hackneyed system of production, absence of value system, scarce physical infrastructure in Tribal areas and Demographic inequality in Tribal areas coupled together
make it imperative for a systematic process of development for Tribal and Tribal areas.
Some important factors for Tribal Development in India are improvement in their quality of life, removal of poverty, raising the levels of productivity, removal of illiteracy,
elimination of exploitation, supportive Infrastructure in Tribal areas, and prevention of
their shifting cultivation. The purpose of the present paper is to bring to the surface the
outcome of the Government policies, being run for the upliftment of the primitive tribes
of Chhattisgarh.
After Independence, many Government and non-Government Institutions have made
efforts for the development of these Tribes and are spending lots of money in various
Development Programmes for them. Still the desired results are not coming out, especially so far as their Economic status is concerned. Thus, It has been essential with the
changing times, to re-evaluate the various Development Programmes, run for their Economic upliftment and to provide suggestions for their reform, so that their living standard may come up to mark.

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How to Cite
Shrivastava, M. (2015). Barriers in Agriculture as Main Occupation for Primitive Tribes of Chhattisgarh. Mind and Society, 4(01), 33–37. Retrieved from
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