Women Empowerment and Inclusive Development in India

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B. L. Sonekar
Archana Sethhi


 According to Census 2011, out of the 121 crore population, almost half of the population is 48.46 percent women. It is shown by the statistics where on the one hand women have made continuous development in the social, political, economic fields, on the other hand they are given the status of second class citizens in the field of education, health, nutrition, whereas even after this women whether it is agriculture sector. Or the industrial sector is playing an important role in all the sectors. Therefore, the government needs to plan for the all-round development of women so that women can become the pillar of development in the country. Unless the women labor available in the country is fully utilized, the goal of inclusive development will remain incomplete. The present study is based on secondary data. In which an attempt has been made to study the socio-economic status of women by studying the work participation rate, literacy rate and political work participation rate and sex ratio under women power of India.x

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How to Cite
Sonekar, B. L., & Sethhi, A. (2015). Women Empowerment and Inclusive Development in India. Mind and Society, 4(01), 55–61. Retrieved from https://mindandsociety.in/index.php/MAS/article/view/309
Research Article