Social Consciousness in Mastram Kapoor's Novel Vipathgami

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kshitija S. Shetti


 In Indian society, many customs, customary traditions have been doing home since ages. The evils of Sati system, child marriage, caste discrimination, untouchability, prohibition of female education etc. were in full swing in India. Many organizations and social reformers tried to remove these evils. After independence, various problems etc. tried to be solved by law. In independent India it was expected that every section of the people would be happy and prosperous.  The struggle of today's individual and society has been successfully expressed in the novel of author Mastram Kapoor. In his novels there is predominance of real sense and social outlook. He was against exploitation, oppression, incest. Through the present research paper, the social consciousness contained in Mastram Kapoor's novel Vipathgami has been analyzed. In the novel Vipathagami, various problems of society such as casteism, conservatism, superstition, dowry system, exploitation of women, prostitution, corruption, unemployment, problem of urbanization, slum, alcohol industry smuggling etc. have been highlighted by the characters of his novel. Conclusion It can be said that the novelist Mastram Cooper ji was able to bring out the glimpse of social problems that he wanted to bring.

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How to Cite
Shetti, kshitija S. (2015). Social Consciousness in Mastram Kapoor’s Novel Vipathgami. Mind and Society, 4(01), 106–110. Retrieved from
Research Article