Humanity and Social Consciousness in the Theatrical Literature of Shankar Shesh

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Anupama R. Kulkarni


 Praised study Dr. Shankar Shesh's drama literature has proved his special place among the new generation of modern dramatists in the effective development of post-sixty Hindi drama literature. Shesh ji is also a successful director, actor and presenter. Dr. Shesh ji is such a person in Hindi theatrical literature, which has devoted his whole life to drama and theatre. In his plays, he has exposed social, economic, religious problems.  An attempt has been made to tell glimpses of his long drama journey from 1955 to 1981. Historical and poetic expression has been used in the plays of Dr. Shankar Shesh from Prasad era to Mohan Rakesh his contribution to theatrical literature has been unparalleled. Dr. Shesh ji created his plays for life by connecting them through theatre, radio, television and films, but he did more service to theatrical literature. He proved that the age of the creation of any creator is older than that of the creator. He has not only created plays but has also tried to make the plays prestigious in every way.

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How to Cite
Kulkarni, A. R. (2016). Humanity and Social Consciousness in the Theatrical Literature of Shankar Shesh. Mind and Society, 5(01), 88–92. Retrieved from
Research Article