Impact of Anganwadi Center on the Health of Women and Children

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Snehlata Goatam
L.S. Gajpal


The present research paper is a sociological study of the impact of Anganwadi center on women's health. The study is based on the Anganwadi program implemented in Bada Rajpur block of Bastar district of Chhattisgarh state. 229 tribal families have been selected for the study. The compilation of facts is done by the interview schedule tool. It is known from the facts obtained from the study that Anganwadi center is discharging an important role in the direction of women's health in backward tribal areas. The health facilities (complementary nutritional diet) being provided by the Anganwadi Center to pregnant and lactating mothers have reduced the problem of anemia and malnutrition and increased health awareness among tribal women. The role of Anganwadi center has been positive in the direction of intellectual development of children.

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How to Cite
Goatam, S., & Gajpal, L. (2014). Impact of Anganwadi Center on the Health of Women and Children. Mind and Society, 3(03-04), 76–83. Retrieved from
Research Article