"Spatial Patten of Irrigation Network in West Madhya Pradesh"

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Rajendri Chaubey


It is universally accepted fact that water is prime resource, a basic need realizing the full potential of the agriculture sector and the country's development, especially in context of India's agrarian based economy. Agriculture has been
since time immemorial the mainstay of the people and their economy in India
as well as in Madhya Pradesh. The importance of irrigation in India can hardly
be neglected due to the erratic nature rainfall in the country. Further irrigation
in agriculture may be accounted to variability, uncertainty and irregularity of rainfall,
monsoon gaps concentration of rainfall in a few days and unequal distribution
of rainfall. Thus in this context the present study has been attempted which aims
to view the prevailing sources of irrigation both private as well as government
in West Madhya Pradesh. This district level study is completely based on the
basis of which spatial pattern of irrigation has been analyzed.
Irrigation is defined as the process of applying water over crops. Irrigation
is any process, other than natural precipitation, which supplies water to crops,
orchards, grass or any other cultivated plants. Irrigation is identified as the most
crucial component of agricultural infrastructure coupled with HYV seeds, fertilizers,

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How to Cite
Chaubey, R. (2013). "Spatial Patten of Irrigation Network in West Madhya Pradesh". Mind and Society, 2(01), 17–20. Retrieved from https://mindandsociety.in/index.php/MAS/article/view/359
Research Article