Women, Stress and Communication A perspective
Main Article Content
Today the whole world is afflicted ubiquitously with this contagious disease called 'STRESS' whose fell hands have not spared even a child. If in yonder
years people barely knew this word, today, in the technically evolved era the
scenario is just reverse. From school going children to working wo/men or
housewives, everybody faces stress in its myriad forms. If some are able to
cope well, the others may collapse under its pressure. And if the person under
duress is none but a woman, then the repercussions can be manifold. A woman
in India whether working or non working, is the foundation of her family. To keep
the family happy and together it becomes imperative for her to achieve mental
sanity and peace which becomes rather difficult in this fast paced world as she
has to juggle many roles. To handle stress one should communicate effectively
but ironically our communication whether verbal or non verbal get impaired under
distress. Being a woman, I too find it a very challenging task to strike out a
perfect balance in life. But my outlook is that if we cannot beat something, we
should face it head on. In this paper I present my own reflections on the subject
and have also made an attempt to delve deep into the root causes of stress,
its impact on our psyche and behaviour, and shed light on various means to deal
with stress and stressors.
years people barely knew this word, today, in the technically evolved era the
scenario is just reverse. From school going children to working wo/men or
housewives, everybody faces stress in its myriad forms. If some are able to
cope well, the others may collapse under its pressure. And if the person under
duress is none but a woman, then the repercussions can be manifold. A woman
in India whether working or non working, is the foundation of her family. To keep
the family happy and together it becomes imperative for her to achieve mental
sanity and peace which becomes rather difficult in this fast paced world as she
has to juggle many roles. To handle stress one should communicate effectively
but ironically our communication whether verbal or non verbal get impaired under
distress. Being a woman, I too find it a very challenging task to strike out a
perfect balance in life. But my outlook is that if we cannot beat something, we
should face it head on. In this paper I present my own reflections on the subject
and have also made an attempt to delve deep into the root causes of stress,
its impact on our psyche and behaviour, and shed light on various means to deal
with stress and stressors.
Article Details
How to Cite
Mishra, J. (2013). Women, Stress and Communication A perspective. Mind and Society, 2(01), 21–25. Retrieved from https://mindandsociety.in/index.php/MAS/article/view/360
Research Article