Indicators of socio-economic status of tribal areas

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Rakesh Chauhan


The literacy level among the tribals of the country is comparatively low, that is, the status of literacy level in the tribal group is not satisfactory, while the literacy level is high in all other groups. Therefore it is necessary to pay attention to this. With regard to the condition of the houses of the tribals, it is clear that only 40.6 percent of the tribals have houses in good condition, while this percentage is 53.1 in all other groups. As per the status of availability of toilets, only 22.6 per cent of the tribal groups have access to toilets, compared to 46.9 per cent for all other groups. On the other hand, the condition of the tribal group is not good even from the kitchen point of view. Regarding the provision of drinking water in the tribal groups, it is clear that only 19.7 percent of the tribal groups have drinking water in their residence, while this percentage is 46.6 in all other groups. On the other hand, maximum 33.6 percent tribal groups arrange drinking water from far away from their place of residence. Regarding the sources of drinking water, it is clear that 53.82 percent tribal groups use purified water and hand pump etc. for drinking water, which is less than all other groups. 19.58 percent tribal groups use raw water, covered wells and tube wells and 26.60 percent use water from uncovered wells, rivers, canals, ponds etc. for drinking purposes. From this point of view, the condition of tribal group is not good as compared to all other groups.

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How to Cite
Chauhan, R. (2013). Indicators of socio-economic status of tribal areas. Mind and Society, 2(03-04), 113–117. Retrieved from
Research Article