Modernization andInnovation of Agriculture in Sagar District : A Geographical Study

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Devendra Mujhalda
Prakash Ahirvar


The use of modern equipment used in agriculture such as improved varieties of seeds, chemical fertilizers and pesticides etc., is a symbol of agricultural modernization and innovation. The use of these investors has encouraged modern technology. For agricultural modernization, it is very important to have primary and main irrigation. The present research paper is based on primary data. For this, the villages of Sagar district have been selected by sampling method. The information of 600 farming families of these villages has been collected through questionnaire. Various tables have been created by grouping the information based on the size of the holding. These tables show the various elements of agricultural modernization based on modernization of agriculture. These elements are irrigation, improved seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, mechanization, seed treatment and land treatment etc. To understand these elements of agricultural modernization through field studies, the main objective of the study is to understand the process of innovation and expansion. The study showed that the size of agricultural holdings influences innovation processes. Along with this, the technology of modernization also starts decreasing. Modernization and innovation are found more among the farmers of large holdings as compared to the marginal farmers.

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How to Cite
Mujhalda, D., & Ahirvar, P. (2013). Modernization andInnovation of Agriculture in Sagar District : A Geographical Study. Mind and Society, 2(05), 5–11. Retrieved from
Research Article