Civil Disobedence Movements in Raipur District the case of Forest Satyagrha in Chhattisgarh

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Pankaj Singh


Forest Satyagraha spread like a wild fire throughout the Chhattisgarh
state. As a matter of fact the inclusion of the programme of forests
Satyagraha in the civil disobedience movement had a great importance.
This was the most popular movement in the rural areas of the state. The
main objective of the forest Satyagraha was to put special pressure on the
government in order to freely utilize the products of the Reserve Forest as
well as that of the prohibited forests which was a daily requirement of the
inhabitants. In the forest Satyagraha the forest laws were disobeyed in
several ways. In this movement the Peasants, Villagers, Tribal’s men and
women played an active and important role. Such was the spirit that the
government was taken a back and took stern measures to curb it.

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How to Cite
Singh, P. (2013). Civil Disobedence Movements in Raipur District the case of Forest Satyagrha in Chhattisgarh. Mind and Society, 1(03), 27–32. Retrieved from
Research Article