The efficacy of Cognitive Behavior Therapy on Psychological Health among the Patients with Parkinson’s disease: A Qualitative Analysis
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Parkinson’s disease appears with a range of challenges and difficulties that influence various domains of individual life. The present study attempts to study the effect of cognitive behavior therapy on psychological health and looking into the experiences of individual dealing with Parkinson’s disease. Qualitative analysis was carried out on 60 individuals (30-experimental, 30-control group) with Parkinson’s disease. Interview schedules were prepared to understand the impact of Parkinson’s disease on psychological health as well as to see the effect of cognitive behavior therapy on participants’ psychological health in post-phase. Results revealed that Parkinson’s disease not only affect physical health but also affect psychological, emotional and social aspect of an individual as well. The main theme i.e., psychological health was emerged through Content analysis. The content analysis further suggested few subthemes under psychological health. The experience of dealing with PD was not an easy process; it lead stress, anxiety, sleep difficulties, body-image issues and stress. Post-Phase content analysis results revealed the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy for the improvement of symptoms and complaints of anxiety, depression, stress, disturbed Sleep, irritability, feeling of doing nothing, feeling of being dependent, and self-perception on experimental group.