Residential Landscape of Indore Metropolis: A Geographical Study

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Santa Lal Dehriya


Santa Lal Dehriya
The present research paper is related to the residential scenario of Indore metropolis. In this, a geographical study of the residential area of Indore metropolis has been presented, the share of planned residential area in any metropolis has been more than other works. Indore is the largest metropolis of Madhya Pradesh. Therefore, the study of its residential area becomes even more important in this context. The main objective of the present research paper is to present a geographical analysis of the residential landscape of Indore metropolis as well as to present an assessment of the residential future of the metropolis. The study of residential area of Indore metropolis is mainly based on primary and secondary data as well as observation. Indore metropolis is functionally divided into residential areas, industrial areas, commercial areas, educational areas, administrative areas and miscellaneous areas. Out of which only residential area has been studied. From the point of view of study, the residential area of the metropolis has been divided into four parts. (1) Residential localities; (2) Residential colonies; (3) Multi-storey residential buildings; (4) Residential townships, found it to be Indore metropolis is changing rapidly into residential area which is the need of relocated family

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How to Cite
Dehriya , S. L. . (2023). Residential Landscape of Indore Metropolis: A Geographical Study. Mind and Society, 4(02). Retrieved from