Impact of National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme on Rural Scheduled Caste Agricultural Laborers

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Ramavatar Saket


The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme Act has been implemented since 2005. Provision has been made under this Act, that through the program, employment is to be provided to the people of rural poor agricultural-laborer families so that they can be strengthened by creating employment. For research, Satna district has been selected to find out the "effect of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme on the economic and social status" of rural scheduled caste agricultural laborers. It is known from the results of the study that the person employed under the scheme got employment. Irrigation facility has been made available on the land owned by the laborers. They have mechanical and technical items; sewing machines, TVs. Cycle, fan, cooler and others were found. They enter haats, markets, and religious places from their villages; there are no restrictions on these places. This shows that their social discrimination has decreased.

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How to Cite
Saket , R. . (2023). Impact of National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme on Rural Scheduled Caste Agricultural Laborers. Mind and Society, 5(04). Retrieved from