Relationship between Communication Pattern and Marital Happiness of Army Couples

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Lalitha Ragul
S. Thenmozhi


For the longevity of a marriage, happiness plays a vital role in contemporary India.
Marital happiness, a dimension of marital quality, is determined by various marital
factors such as self-esteem, communication, intimacy, and marital satisfaction in
couples. Communication plays a major role in marriage, and it is one of the key predictors
of marital satisfaction in couples (Lavner, Karney & Bradbury, 2016). Communication
in marriage is more than just a flow of information from sender to receiver; it is also
the ability of couples to share their thoughts and feelings with their spouses. This study
aimed to have a focal point on the relationship between communication patterns and
marital happiness in army couples. As army couples are a breed of their own, this study
was conducted among 128 army couples (128 husbands and 128 wives) in the age
group of 21 to 30 years of age and within their first five years of marriage. Using the
Marital Happiness Scale (Azrin, Naster, & Jones, 1973), the marital happiness level
and the Communication Patterns Questionnaire (CPQ; Christensen, 1988) were used
to measure the communication pattern of army couples. After statistical analysis, results
indicated that the relationship between each pattern of communication is different and
significantly correlated with marital happiness in army couples

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How to Cite
Ragul, L., & Thenmozhi, S. . (2023). Relationship between Communication Pattern and Marital Happiness of Army Couples. Mind and Society, 12(01), 67–73.


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