Teaching competence & job satisfaction of government & non-government school teachers
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It is necessary for a good academic environment that a teacher should have atleast a reasonable amount of competence and satisfaction. For the study of teaching competence and Job-satisfaction. 60 teachers from govt. and 60 teachers from non govt. primary school were selected by random method. For data collection, 2 types of scales have been used (i) Teaching competency scale (ii) Teaching Job-Satisfaction scale. The result which was drawn out was that there is a negative correlation between teaching competence and job- Satis faction of govt. school teachers and positive correlation between teaching competence and Job-satis faction of non-govt. school teachers
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Pandey, N., & Shukla, A. . (2023). Teaching competence & job satisfaction of government & non-government school teachers. Mind and Society, 1(02), . Retrieved from https://mindandsociety.in/index.php/MAS/article/view/613