Organizational Justice and Mental Health: Key Concerns in Public Sector Healthcare Setting
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Justice or equity perception is the key concern for the employees within any organization. It has found it to be a major building block for a better organization. Healthcare is a distinctive profession which plays a major role in providing consistent and high-quality care for patients, promoting the public image of the organization and improving patients’ satisfaction. In order to achieve this, the healthcare employees have to deal with the justice or fairness issues at workplace which can have detrimental effect on their physical and mental health. Hence, the objective of this study was to examine
the relationship between four dimensions of organizational justice (procedural, distributive, interpersonal and informational justice) and mental health among healthcare professionals in India. In this study 240 healthcare employees participated. The data were analyzed using correlation coefficient and regression analysis. Overall organizational justice was found to have a significant relationship with mental health, with some of its dimensions including distributive and procedural justice, while the other two dimensions remain non- significant.
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