Effect of Smartphone Addiction on the Mental Health of Adolescents: A Literature Review

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Shampa Goswami
Ankita Deshmukh


In the digital age, the proliferation of smart phones among adolescents has raised significant concerns regarding their potential impact on mental health. This literature review critically examines the existing body of research to assess the relationship between smart phone addiction and the mental health of adolescents. The review explores both positive and negative effects, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of this issue. While smart phones offer avenues for information access and social connection, they also pose risks of addiction and adverse mental health outcomes. The primary objective is to systematically analyze the existing literature on the effect of smartphones on the mental health of adolescents and understand the potential effects. Methodologically, the researcher conducted a systematic literature review utilizing electronic databases like “PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, PsycInfo, and Research Gate, employing search terms such as “smartphone addiction, psychological effects, adolescents, and students.” Most of the studies analyzed were cross-sectional and focused on psychological health outcomes. Common findings revealed anxiety, loneliness, and depression as prevalent mediators of mental health issues. In conclusion, our findings affirm a positive relationship between smartphone addiction and mental health problems. There is a pressing need for widespread public awareness campaigns addressing smartphone addiction and its adverse effects on mental health. Furthermore, to comprehensively understand the implications of smartphone addiction, additional research, particularly randomized controlled trials, is imperative.

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How to Cite
Goswami, S. ., & Deshmukh, A. . (2023). Effect of Smartphone Addiction on the Mental Health of Adolescents: A Literature Review. Mind and Society, 12(04), 37–42. https://doi.org/10.56011/mind-mri-124-20235


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