A Pilot study on Mindfulness-based Intervention in treating Adolescence with Internet Gaming Disorder

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Jim Varghese
Vandana Pandey


Background and Aims: Mindfulness based intervention has been effectively used in both substance related addiction and nonsubstance related addiction like internet or smart phone addiction on account of the emergence of internet and smartphone. There are only few studies conducted on internet gaming disorder and effectiveness of mindfulness-based intervention. The aim of the study is to find out the effectiveness mindfulness-based intervention on internet gaming disorder among adolescence, a newly included disorder in both DSM5 and ICD 11. Methods: Adolescence with internet gaming disorder were divided into control group (n=10) and an intervention group (n=10). The intervention group received 8 sessions mindfulness module for a period of two months, one session per week each. A base level assessment was done in the first week by making use of internet gaming disorder Scale, Visual analogue Scale and Mindfulness attention awareness scale (MAAS), Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) and post intervention assessment was used (8th week) and after two weeks following the intervention, follow up assessment was completed. Results:10 adolescents from each group completed the intervention and follow up. Overall addiction score decreased significantly when compared to base level assessment. The results also indicated reduction in the craving for internet use, improvement in emotion regulation especially in the form of reappraisal and improvement in mindful attention awareness. Discussion and conclusion: This pilot study demonstrated that mindfulness-based intervention could bring about significant changes in the internet game related problem among adolescence.

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How to Cite
Varghese, J. ., & Pandey, V. . (2024). A Pilot study on Mindfulness-based Intervention in treating Adolescence with Internet Gaming Disorder. Mind and Society, 13(02), 33–39. https://doi.org/10.56011/mind-mri-132-20245
Empirical Article



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