Relation of Mindfulness Practices with Women’s Mental and Physical Health Conditions: Implications in Counselling

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Charu .
Dhananjay Kumar


Women confronted various situation where they have to face many physical changes and psychological upheavals that make them vulnerable to the mental as well as physical illness. Within the past few decades, researchers developed an interest for investigating the mindfulness as a kind of clinical intervention. Nowadays mindfulness practices brought into mental health treatment which is free from medication. The present paper is the review of the studies conducted in the area to understand that how mindfulness-based programs such as mindfulness meditation and mindfulness yoga is efficacious for women to deal with various physical and psychological symptoms during specific conditions that can affect their mental and physical health. The article begins with a discussion of mental health, mindfulness and various mindfulness programs brought into mental health treatment. After that, five areas of women related physical conditions are discussed in different sections which show the effectiveness of mindfulness practices. On the basis of relevant studies it can be concluded that mindfulness-based programs can be used as an effective clinical intervention by mental health practitioners in their counselling program to deal with various disease in general and women related diseases and health conditions in particular. The review ends with a discussion on counselling implications of mindfulness based programs.

Article Details

How to Cite
., C., & Dhananjay Kumar. (2024). Relation of Mindfulness Practices with Women’s Mental and Physical Health Conditions: Implications in Counselling. Mind and Society, 13(02), 10–17.
Review Article
Author Biography

Dhananjay Kumar, Professor, Department of Psychology, D. D. U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Professor Dhananjay Kumar

Department of Psychology

Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, UP


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