Grit’s Silent Architect: Role of Social Support for Civil Services Aspirants

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Karm Veer Singh
P.C. Mishra


Social support, encompassing assistance from family, friends, and significant others, is vital for individuals navigating the journey of civil service preparation. Examining the role of social support among civil service aspirants offers insights into its impact on resilience, perseverance, and overall well-being within this challenging pursuit. The sample comprises 60% males (N = 318) and 40% females (N = 212), aged 21 to 34 years, with a mean age of 26.51 ± 3.91. Participants were selected using purposive sampling targeting civil service aspirants. The research utilized the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) and the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S). Bivariate correlation, linear regression, and multiple regression analyses examined the associations between social support (with domains) and grit. Overall social support (r =.638, β =.638, p <.001) with its domains: significant others (r =.659, β =.560, p <.001) and family subscales (r =.527, β =.209, p <.001) positively predict grit, consistent with bivariate correlations. However, the Friends subscale, while positively correlated in bivariate analysis, shows a negative prediction for Grit (r =.457, β = -.057, p =.287) and lacks statistical significance in multiple regression. In conclusion, this study contributes to the understanding of grit among civil service aspirants by highlighting the significance of social support.

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How to Cite
Singh, K. V. ., & Mishra, P. . (2024). Grit’s Silent Architect: Role of Social Support for Civil Services Aspirants. Mind and Society, 13(01), 23–29.