Peasant Movements against Land Acquisition for Development: A Political Study
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Acquisition of farmers' land has been a major issue for development in India. It has increased further in the last years. The social, economic and political aspects of farmers are associated with the effects of land acquisition and related policies, which lead to dissatisfaction. In this era of globalization, as the graph of the growth of national income in India has increased, there has been a flood of land acquisitions and land conflicts. Acquisition of land of farmers in the name of industrial projects, in the name of special areas i.e. SEZs, big dams, mines, highways and in the name of urban expansion and township projects and now in the name of public private partnership model in the new age, land acquisition by the governments. The game continues inside every state. In this context, behind the incident of farmers and police clashes in Bhatta Parsaul village of Gautam Budh Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, there is a demand for more compensation for the land acquired for the Yamuna Expressway project. Due to which this incident which happened on 7 May 2011 also made a lot of headlines at the national level. Through the present study, an attempt has been made to know the reasons for the farmers' movements against land acquisition for development.
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How to Cite
., R. (2016). Peasant Movements against Land Acquisition for Development: A Political Study. Mind and Society, 5(02-03), 71–75. Retrieved from
Research Article