Pro-environmental attitude of college students of India and Bangladesh
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Environmental change is one of the myriad pressures placed on resources and thus calls for attention. Environmental degradation is a lot more serious in developing nations, where levels of awareness of problems causing environmental hazards are lower than in developed countries. The environmental problem that the world is facing today and in the future is the consequence of the hoarded action of individual behavior. There is, therefore, a need, predominantly in developing countries, to increase pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors. Former researchers advocate that the superiority of the environment depends chiefly on the level of knowledge, attitudes, values, and practices of human beings. The present study is an attempt to determine the pro-environmental attitude of college students predominantly focusing on waste management in two countries, India and Bangladesh, based on eight different domains of attitude. For the purpose of the study, data were collected from 60 students with a structured questionnaire. Results revealed that due to rapid globalization, land distribution, and land reform, the lack of proper planning by the government and others’ perceptions are hampered. This study also suggests some environmental programs where students could participate in the decisionmaking process in order to conserve the environment and shows the area for future research.
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