Two routes, one destination: The metacognitive and affective pathways linking dispositional mindfulness to mental health

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Niti Upadhyay
Meenakshi Shukla
Rakesh Pandey


A considerable body of literature exists on dispositional mindfulness (DM), exploring various candidate mechanisms to elucidate its positive impact on mental health. The goal of this perspective article is presenting a theoretical model of the interplay and collective contribution of various interrelated (but, as yet, isolated) mechanisms linking DM and mental health, such as decentering, nonattachment, emotion regulation difficulties, and positive and negative affect. Through the synthesis of isolated research findings, the present article postulates two interrelated yet distinct categories of mechanisms in explaining the beneficial impact of DM on mental health: metacognitive and affective mechanisms. This perspective article recommends empirical validation of the proposed model across diverse populations and demographic groups so as to facilitate tailored mindfulness interventions.





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How to Cite
Upadhyay, N., Shukla, M., & Pandey, R. (2024). Two routes, one destination: The metacognitive and affective pathways linking dispositional mindfulness to mental health. Mind and Society, 13(02), 66–76.
Review Article


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