Acute and Brief Air Pollution Exposure Impairs Personal and Social Well-being and Quality of Life: Empirical Evidence from India
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Air pollution is well-documented to negatively impact mental health, but its effects on positive mental health indicators, including quality of life (QOL) and personal and social well-being (PSWB), remain underexplored. This study examined the relationships between acute (24-hour) and brief (7- and 14-day) exposure to air pollution and QOL and PSWB, considering both individual pollutants and aggregate indices like Air Quality Index (AQI) and empirically derived indices (e.g., Emission-Based Pollutants, EBP). Participants (N = 322) completed self-reported measures of QOL and PSWB during winter or monsoon seasons. Air pollution data from nearby Central Pollution Control Board stations were analysed for three exposure durations. Findings revealed that acute exposure to most pollutants, AQI, and EBP significantly reduced QOL in the social relationship domain, while photochemical and oxidative pollutants were associated with physical, psychological, and environmental domains. For brief exposures, associations were pollutant-specific, with NO₂ and CO impacting social relationships both at 7 and 14 days, and O₃ only at 14 days. PSWB showed more consistent negative correlations with air pollutants and aggregate indices across all exposure durations, with personal well-being particularly vulnerable. The findings highlight the acute and brief impacts of air pollution on positive mental health, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions.
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