Effect of Gender on Problems of Adolescent

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Usha Mohabey
Basant Kumar Sonber


The present study is designed to examine the effect of gender on emotional, social and professional problems of adolescent. 40 students of class 11th studying Government Higher Secondary School of Durg district chhattisgarha state, are selected on random sampling basis where 20 boys and 20 girls are considered. Adolescent Problems Scale prepared by Ashish Bajpeyi, Hargovind Shukla and Amit Gupta is used to obtain the data. t-test is used to examine the deference of adolescent problems between boys and girls . Findings of the above study show that demographic variable ‘gender’ is significantly determine the intensity of professional and emotional problems of adolescent. But in the case of social problem it is not found significant. Overall adolescent problems are also found significantly affected by the gender

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How to Cite
Mohabey, U., & Sonber, B. K. (2018). Effect of Gender on Problems of Adolescent. Mind and Society, 7(03-04), 30–35. Retrieved from https://mindandsociety.in/index.php/MAS/article/view/181
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