Effect of yoga practice on student’s Mental health

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Basant Kumar Sonber
Jasbir Koar


At present, the problems of adjustment, self-concept, security-insecurity, competition, socialization etc. in college students are the major factors that destabilize their mindset. In such a situation, the practice of yoga calms the mind and makes it self-centered, which develops mental health. And life becomes successful and joyful. In the present study, a significant difference was found between the two in the analysis of the effects of yoga on the mental health of graduate level students and students who did not do yoga. Therefore, the interpretation of Indian philosophy seems to be correct. Therefore yoga should undoubtedly be made a part of the curriculum.

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How to Cite
Sonber , B. K. ., & Koar , J. . (2023). Effect of yoga practice on student’s Mental health. Mind and Society, 5(04). Retrieved from https://mindandsociety.in/index.php/MAS/article/view/570

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